Adaptability: The ability to change to fit circumstances
It's like giving a talk in church when the first two speakers decide to only take up 7 minutes each, and you're left with 25 minutes of time to give a 12 minute talk, you adapt--add a story or elaborate on a point, or several points. Or when you plan out your day to the minute, and then run into a friend having an awful day and needs your help. Obviously, you could ignore your friend and tell them you'd catch up later, but that's not my style (Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be helped--quote to live by). You help your friend, and then adapt your new schedule, with less time, to your remaining priorities. There's no need to stress, what's done is done. Plan A doesn't always work out, so you have to be open to plan B, C, or even D. We talked a bit about 2 types of time in class:
- Monochronic Time: having a laser-sharp, intense, narrow focus on one thing at a time--it's linear, you have set tasks to complete by certain time
- Polychronic Time: is having an open focus on several aspects of the present moment--it's adaptable!
My plan on the field is to set up a monochronic time schedule, but be polychronic with my adaptability. That may not make perfect sense if read literally, but hopefully you get the point. Life throws you curve balls--I have a feeling Italy will throw me more than I've ever seen. I'm doing EVERYTHING I can in these months as I prepare to work hard and be organized, but once I get down there, I think adaptability will be most important! Did I mention I was excited!?!? Caio!
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